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The old Farts won the annual Pups vs. Farts game in a battle royale on Tuesday, 19-14. The game was marred helped by rampant beer-drinking, including Brian Bakst’s well-played sip after making a catch in the outfield.
Tom Rothman, who only returned this month from the DL to play in the tournament, was photographed (by Tim Post) hitting the ball…
Tim Post, in his first Pups/Farts game, was originally pegged to play on the Farts – then switched to the Pups – then back to the Farts. The cut-off age was 35.
The Farts’ biggest inning was their 11-run 4th, in which they attained all those runs with nothing but singles and walks. The game was called after five innings because the Pups were worried the Farts might not see the ball so well, with their old eyes – and well, that’s just a safety issue.
We all headed to Chalk Talk, but not before a group photo:
Chalk Talk was well-attended, though Gus’s gambling-enabling only resulted in us not winning money.
Line score:
Farts | 0 | 3 | 5 | 11 | 0 | 19 |
Pups | 4 | 3 | 7 | 0 | 0 | 14 |
Your 2009 Farts: Randy Greenly, Al Schoch, Jeff Johnson, Linda Wareham, Laurie Johnson, Tom Rothman, Bill Wareham, Jim Bickal, Kari Ness, Fred Child, Tim Dennis, Tim Post, Cliff Bentley, Chris Benson.
Your 2009 Pups: New Tom Scheck, Brian Bakst, Gus Liepitz, Emily Reese, Zack Rose, Liz Dadd, Andy Ducett, Captain Tom, Chris Bjork, Mason Wibstad, Molly Bloom, Jeff Bina, Johnny Rothman, Jeff Jones
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