Created on April 21st 2007
A blazing start (7-2)…a faltering finish. The team enters its first league: the State
Employees Sportsclub featuring the rug and the “walking woman.” Regular season
record: 7-4. The team enters the Strikers Charity tournament and finishes second,
winning the team’s first trophy. First triple play: Rothman-Livingston. Home fields:Desnoyer/St. Clair. Watering hole: Cromwell. Banquet hosts: Catlin-Circle. Social
notes: Jean Weaver is married; Nancy Livingston is pregnant. Most requested song:
“Papa Don’t Preach”-Ben Wareham and Molly Koetter.
Anderson, Mike Bentley, Clifford Catlin, Bill Circle, Alison Collins, Susan DeSmit, Stephanie Eichten, Gary English, Jean Weaver Gehl, Robin Greenly, Randy Handford, Annie Hastings, Phil Heistad, Mark Hoehn, Arthur Horsted, Dawn Horsted, Kirk Johnson,Jeff |
Johnson, Randy Keith, Tom Koetter, Norma Livingston, Nancy Lowe, Mark Metoxen, Bob Michel, John Myckleby, Greg Papachristou, Nick Rothman, Tom Scott, Mary Searle, Alan Stawicki, Elizabeth Waits, Dan Wareham, Bill Wareham, Linda Wilcoxen, William |
Dorothy Handford
Terry Newstrom
Jeff Johnson/Tom Rothman
Rookie of the Year:
Norma Koetter
Most Improved:
Robin Gehl
Batting Champ:
Tom Rothman
Golden Glove:
Jeff Johnson
Most Valuable Player:
Clifford Bentley/Randy Greenly
Whippet of the Year:
Arthur Hoehn
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