Created on April 21st 2007
fewest games since ’86. Fewest wins since ’85. Worst record since ’82. The men’s
team suffers the most, drowning in ten run losses at W. Minnehaha. It is the worst
performance in team history (1-10). The co-rec team, bouyed by an outpouring of
women, fares better but still struggles (6-6; 2-2). The Wick? DeGidio’s. Worrisome
fact: the team is still homeless. Hopeful sign: The Farts series resumes with a rich
rookie crop leading the Pups to victory. Banquet lure: The Princess Kay Butterhead.
*=Men’s Team*Anderson, Mike Baumgartner, Beth *Bentley, Clifford *Bickal, Jim *Callies, Al *Eichten, Gary *Greenly, Randy *Johnson, Aaron *Johnson,Jeff |
Johnson, Lisa*Johnson, Randy Kelly, Robyn Edman *Kigin,. Tom *Larson, Roife *Rothman, Tom *Rothschild, Andy *Schoch, Al *Stepan, Brian *Tong, Tu *Wahlstrom, Tim *Wareham, Bill |
Gary Eichten/Randy Greenly/*Bill Wareham/Linda Wareham
Rookie of the Year:
Libby Hupf/Brian Stepan
Most Improved:
Kate Stepan
Batting Champs:
Randy Greenly/Nancy Rothman
Golden Glove:
Jim Bickal
Most Valuable:
Randy Greenly
Whippet of the Year:
Libby Hupf
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