Created on April 21st 2007



Please stand by for an important announcement.“Hello, I’m Bill Kling. Here at Minnesota Public Radio, we’ve been setting a tone of excellence in broadcasting and, um, well, trying really hard in amateur softball for the past several decades. Now it’s time to take things to an even higher level. As our Next Standard capital campaign winds down in the coming months, we’ll be launching an even more exciting fundraising effort: The Next Sandlot. And you can help.
“When you make a tax-deductible contribution to the Next Sandlot campaign, you’ll be ensuring that future generations of Minnesotans will not have to witness some of the things that went on during the 2005 season: a Randy Greenly popping out twice in the same game, for instance; a Bill Wareham getting burned for a home run by his very own son; a Jeff Johnson being bumped into by a baserunner and shrieking like a ninny because he’s got a ribcage made of celery stalks. What you will see is more, much more, of what you saw during the 2005 league tournament: a team that, despite an early setback, pulls together and sweeps through its next six games, outscoring its opponents by 105–18 in the process; a team with a hurler like Laurie Johnson, who can toss eight straight games, face 204 batters, and walk just one of them; a team that subtly encourages its opponents’ beer consumption and delays its own until after the tournament; and a team that spanks the Patriot, and spanks him hard.
“But we can’t do it alone. The Next Sandlot campaign is your chance to make a lasting difference in the quality of public-radio softball for future generations of Minnesotans. Thank you—and don’t forget: if you become a charter member of the Next Sandlot, you’ll receive a lifetime pass to something called a ‘Chalk Talk.’ E-mail gary@mpr.org for more information.”

2005 Roster

Brian Bakst
Jenner Beauchman
Clifford Bentley
Chris Benson
Jim Bickal
Eugene Cha
KT Cragg
Stephanie Dennis
Tim Dennis
Dan Gaede
Allison Gredesky
Randy Greenly
Jeff Hand
Annie Handford
Mitch Hanley
Shawn Hanson
Amy Hoelmer
Jeff Johnson
Laurie Johnson
Randy Johnson
Jeff Jones
Valerie Kahler
Kari Ness
Melody Ng
Langdon Perry
Pam Rhines
Nancy Rothman
Tom Rothman
Egide Ruzindana
Colleen Scheck
Tom Scheck
Al Schoch
Elizabeth Stawicki
Ben Tesch
Ben Wareham
Bill Wareham
Linda Wareham
John Weaver
Kate Weinstock

Captain Jim Bickal
Rookies of the Year Jeff Jones Mitch Hanley
Most Improved Colleen Scheck
Batting Champions Linda Wareham Dan Gaede
Golden Glove Tom Scheck
Most Valuable Players Laurie Johnson Tom Scheck
Whippet of the Year Brian Bakst
Bombat Allison Gredesky
The Wick First basewoman from Cherry Pit

Hall of Fame notes: Now entering the Hall of Fame’s Satchel Paige Wing: Elizabeth Stawicki!

The Satchel Paige Wing

Elizabeth “Suds” Stawicki (’85–’92, ’94– ) (Rookie of the Year—’85)… In recent years, new team members may have wondered, Why has such a refined, articulate, and classy woman been saddled with the moniker “Suds”? Well, she hails (remember that word, hails) from Milwaukee, but that’s just part of it. The rest of the nickname’s source has to do with an astonishing, beer-related feat of mandibular strength and muscle control that you pretty much have to see to believe. Ask her for a demonstration, but don’t hold your breath. For two decades now, while expertly scooping up grounders and lacing base hits, Suds has reigned as the team’s premier Paul Molitor groupie and muscle car maven. She is wise enough to know that when a hailstorm threatens the playing fields of Battle Creek, it’s time to jump in your ’Stang and head for God knows where. The Historian says, “A great player, a great chalk talker, a great laugher, and—someday, I’ll wager—the Honorable Chief Justice Suds Stawicki.”

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